Misty fosky
Misty fosky

Stout in italian, in the case of Chen, is translated into Birra/Birra Scura. This one makes no sense to me, although the terms are hard go blend.Tritacarne could be roughly translated into Meatgrinder.

misty fosky

If I was in charge for translation, I'd just call Stitches as Cucitura (singular) to be more fidel to the term. I mean, "cucire" is also meant as "sewing" for clothes, but for Stitches it's meant as corpse parts sewing. "Stitches" is actually translated into "Cuciture" in italian, which is meant as surgical sewing.I find "Boccalarga" to be a very silly and misplaced translation. In italian it's translates roughly into "Arraffare" (verb), so "Hogger" would become "Arraffone". "Hogger" comes from the verb "To hog", which means to seize or to get for oneself.So basically they went for "Grantempesta" which roughly would translate into "Greatstorm". It would become something like "Rabbiempesta" or "Tempesrabbia", "Tempescollera" or "Collempesta" - they are both atrocious to hear in italian. "Rage" = "Rabbia"/"Collera", hence it's hard to blend the two words into one in italian.

misty fosky

"Gran" is meant as a short for "Grande" which I personally would translate into "Great" rather than "Grand"."Chiodi" is more like "Nails" or "Pins", rather than "Spikes".Tyrande Wisperwind is called Tyrande Soffiabrezza, where soffia means blows and brezza means breeze, wind. Sylvanas Windrunner is called Sylvanas Ventolesto, where vento means wind and lesto means quick, swift, fast. Rehgar Earthfury is called Rehgar Terrafuriosa, where terra means ground, land, Earth and furiosa means furious, enraged. Malfurion Stormrage is called Malfurion Grantempesta, like explained for Illidan. Muradin Bronzebeard is called Muradin Barbabronzea, where barba means beard and bronzea means bronze. Li Li Stormstout is called Li Li Triplo Malto, like explained for Chen. Kael'thas Sunstrider is called Kael'thas Solealto, where Sole means Sun and alto means tall, high, elevated. Jaina Proudmoore 3 is called Jaina Marefiero, where mare means sea and fiero means proud. Illidan Stormrage is called Illidan Grantempesta, where gran means grande and tempesta means storm. Garrosh Hellscream is called Garrosh Malogrido, where malo means bad and grido means scream. Whitemane becomes Biancachioma, where bianca means white and chioma means hair.Ĭhen Stormstout is called Chen Triplo Malto, where triplo malto means triple malt referring to beer. The Lost Vikings are called Vichinghi Sperduti, where vichinghi means vikings and sperduti means lost. The Butcher is called Macellaio, which literally means the same thing. Stitches is called Tritacarne, where trita means chop and carne means meat. Orphea is called Orfea, because that's how we would write it based on pronuciation.

misty fosky

Murky is called Fosky, where foschia means haze, mist, fog. Mephisto becomes Mefisto, because that's how we would write it based on pronuciation and that's also how Mephisto 2 has been translated in the past. Hogger is called Boccalarga, where bocca means mouth and larga means wide, large. Greymane is called Mantogrigio, where manto means mantle, coat, surface and grigio means grey. Gazlowe is called Sparachiodi, where sparachiodi means nail gun. Brightwing is called Alachiara, where ala means wing and chiara means clear, light, bright.Ĭhromie is called Cromie, where cro- from Crono means chro- from Chronos 1.ĭeathwing is called Alamorte, where ala means wing and morte means death.

Misty fosky