My little pony applejack x rainbow dash archive#
On July 1st, 2011, the Pony Fiction Archive forums member De Magics claimed to be the author of "Sweet Apple Massacre" in a thread about sexual MLP: FiC fanfictions called "clopfics." On July 5th, the fanfiction review blog Harpseal2 posted a review of the story, claiming that it had "sucessfully overturned Cupcakes in the worst fanfiction section." On September 5th, a Facebook page for "Sweet Apple Massacre (Fanfic)" was created, which received 190 likes within nine months. The story was subsequently removed from for violating the terms of service, but has since been reposted on several other websites. In the story, the MLP:FiM colt Big Macintosh kidnaps the ponies Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo and proceeds to torture, rape and disembowel them. On June 28th, 2011, the story "Sweet Apple Massacre" was submitted to the fanfiction archive site by user bigmacintosh20111. The story bears many similarities to another infamous MLP:FiM fanfiction Cupcakes, in which the pony Rainbow Dash is viciously murdered by her friend Pinkie Pie. Sweet Apple Massacre is a grimdark fanfiction set in the world of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (MLP: FiM), in which the colt Big Macintosh rapes and murders the juvenile Cutie Mark Crusader ponies. Applejack and Rainbow Dash have secretly been dating for a while, but eventually tell their teammates, only for them to support the two’s relationship.Fanfiction, my little pony, applebloom, applejack, scootaloo, sweetie belle, big macintosh About Other members include, Dipper and Mabel Pines (Gravity Falls), Finn and Jake (Adventure Time) Mordecai, Rigby, Benson, Pops, Skips, Muscle Man, and Hive Five Ghost (Regular Show) and Toad (Mario) Twilight and Dipper they came very close due to their similar interests, and began developing feelings for each other. Twilight, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Starlight are part of a team known as The Mash Toons, a team that explores and defends the multi-verse from bad guys. Their relationship grows and they soon marry and have a son, Vibrant Beat. Rainbow is nervous, and continues to talk with him, but she is stunned when he suddenly shyly asks her out. She becomes impressed with his DJ skills and later she realizes she has a crush on him(where previously she thought she was lesbian). In the Neonverse, Rainbow Dash meets Neon Lights while visiting a party. Main Article: Bonanzaverse Next Generation Neonverse They later end up falling in love and having 2 kids. Eventually Double Diamond is able to reach her and reassure her.

She decides to stay there and she remains broken hearted for quite some time, being cruel to everyone around her. She flies off to seek another safe zone and discovers Starlight's caves. In the Apocoverse, Rainbow Dash betrays her element in a fit of rage after Soarin and Fluttershy fall for each other. She even tried to hide her love of books because of this. Rainbow Dash has a soft side for her friends and she cares a lot about her own self image, not wanting to be seen as soft. She generally takes pride in her sonic rainboom and becoming a Wonderbolt. Personality wise, Rainbow Dash can be rather bold and prideful, which can sometimes cause her to lose sight of things, though she rarely takes it out of hand. Also Rainbow Dash best friendship Friend is Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack and Rarity Rainbow Dash First Friend in Ponyville is Pinkie Pie. In Cloudsdale Rainbow Dash have childhood friend name Fluttershy. Rainbow Dash also manages the weather in Ponyville and is super athletic. She idolizes both Soarin and Spitfire, and hopes to be in the main ranks one day. Rainbow Dash shares a love for the Wonderbolts and is currently in the academy in canon. Rainbow Dash is one of the Mane 6 and bares the element of loyalty.She is the the daughter of Bow hot hoof and Windy Whistles.She has a close sister like relationship with the school age pegasus,Scootaloo Characteristics and Biography Generic Info